
4 ways to quit your job without burning bridges



The thought of quitting your job is accompanied by a reoccurring fear of the potential harm it could cause to your good reputation and professional network, which you have built through years and your inner call diminishes almost immediately.

While it is true that your boss’s reaction to your resignation letter is ultimately out of your control, you can still avoid any potential negative consequences.

Below are ways a job without burning bridges with your boss:

1. Tell your boss

When your mind and heart are in agreement regarding your decision to quit your job, make sure your boss is the first person you tell. When leaving a job, it is best to provide your employer with ample notice. More so if you are working in the firm’s senior departments. The entrusted responsibilities should not avalanche down upon the workers. While you’re absent. Scheduling a meeting with your boss and manager to inform them in person, even before your coworker best friend finds out. It can be difficult for you if word of your departure spreads among your coworkers without your boss’s knowledge.

2. Be transparent

You may be a wallflower in real life, but from a professional standpoint, this trait won’t earn you any advantages; rather, it will only complicate situations for you. Maintaining your words and intentions in the open to preserve your authority and good will. In today’s hyper-connected social media world, the moment you update your LinkedIn profile, your former coworkers will be aware of your new position and employer. The more honest and open you are, the more likely you are to maintain and strengthen your existing relationships.

3. Express gratitude

As cliche as it may sound, every journey transforms you, and every experience leaves an imprint, shaping you into the person you are today. Despite the problem that prompted you to submit your resignation letter, you should reflect on the organization’s educational opportunities and express your gratitude. Taking everything into account, it cannot be all bad! Also, do not forget to thank your office bestie for all the pleasant lunchtime memories you have shared.

4. Smooth transitions

Leaving the circumstances behind, you should ensure that your job change will not cause too much disruption within the organisation. To ensure a smooth transition, do as much as possible to lighten the team’s load, and let them know you’re there if they need you. Maintain detailed documentation of your work so that your replacement has easy access to the information they need to work effectively. This will not only benefit that person, but also your team, and it will reflect well on you.

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