
4 safety tips to follow while exercising during pregnancy



By now we all know that the belief it’s dangerous to exercise during pregnancy is wrong.

In fact, doctors recommend pregnant women to be active throughout pregnancy for a healthy and easy delivery.

Exercising during pregnancy is generally safe, until you have any complication and have been asked by your doctor to not exercise.

Exercising during normal pregnancy can reduce the risk of several health risks including excessive weight gain, gestational diabetes, back pain, depression and preeclampsia.

For people worried about the safety of exercise during pregnancy, a study published a systematic review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which analysed 46 studies, found that prenatal exercise does not increase the risk of miscarriage or death of the fetus.

But before you decide to follow an exercise routine during pregnancy, consult your doctor and make sure you do it under expert supervision- as certain conditions can make it more risky.

1. How long should you exercise during pregnancy?

Experts recommend around 30 minutes of daily exercise or 150 minutes of exercise in a week. But do not exercise for more than 45 minutes a day, as that can increase your risk of overheating and dehydration.

2. The best exercises to do during pregnancy

Not all exercises are safe to be done during pregnancy. Pregnant women should choose aerobic exercises, including jogging as these are the safest during pregnancy. Your pace should be such that you are able to carry a conversation while active. If you haven’t been very active before or are obese, start slowly.

3. ​What you need to avoid?

Avoid inherently risky activities, like scuba diving, contact sports, horseback riding. gymnastics or downhill skiing. Hot yoga and hot pilates should also be avoided as these activities increase the body’s temperature, which can be dangerous for your fetus.

​4. When to see the doctor?

If you notice any complications like vaginal bleeding, breathing problems or painful contractions, stop right away and contact your doctor.


It’s absolutely safe and healthy to exercise during pregnancy. Just keep in mind to choose low impact exercises and perform them under expert supervision.

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