There are all sorts of people out there.

Some end up being closer than family while others fake their friendship with you for their own means.

If we go by zodiac signs, here are some who can very well pretend to be your friend.

1. Gemini

Gemini individuals are known for their versatility and adaptability. While they can be charming and fun to be around, they also have a tendency to be inconsistent in their friendships. Due to their dual nature, they may struggle with commitment and may not always be reliable as friends.

2. Libra

Libras are known for their desire for harmony and balance in their relationships. However, their strong need for approval from others can sometimes lead them to be superficial or insincere in their friendships. They prefer keeping the peace over being genuine.

3. Leo

Leos are often seen as charismatic and confident individuals. While they can be generous and loyal friends, their ego and desire for attention can sometimes overshadow their genuine intentions. They may have a tendency to manipulate situations for personal gain.

4. Aries

Aries folks are strong personalities and assertiveness. While they can be passionate and exciting friends, their impulsive nature can lead to inconsistent behaviour. They may be quick to abandon friendships or lose interest in maintaining long-term connections.

5. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are adventurous and independent individuals. They can be great companions for exciting experiences, their restlessness can sometimes make it challenging to build deep and lasting friendships. They may prioritize their personal freedom over maintaining solid connections.

6. Capricorn

Capricorns are often driven and ambitious individuals. While they can be reliable and hardworking, their focus on success and achievement may sometimes overshadow their ability to nurture deep friendships. They may prioritise their personal goals over investing time and effort into relationships.

7. Aquarius

Aquarians are known for their independent and unconventional nature. While they can be intellectually stimulating and unique friends, their aloofness and detachment may sometimes make it difficult to form deep emotional connections. They may prioritise their ideals and causes over maintaining close friendships.

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces generally form solid friendships. They don’t know how to fake it and if they do, they give in after sometime as pretense is not their strength.