
Sweating during workouts: 6 facts about sweating you all should know



No matter what kind of exercise you are doing or how light fabric clothes you are wearing, it is common to sweat while pumping iron or running on the treadmill (or even while brisk walking or outside cycling).

Sweating is a natural phenomenon and is inevitable.

The problem is that most people consider sweating as a parameter to measure how hard they are working in the gym and how effective their workout routine is.

They believe that the more you sweat, the more calories you burn.

1. Sweating during workout is not a big deal

But turns out, sweating a lot does not determine the efficacy of your workouts or does not decide how many calories you have burned. Sweating is actually a process by which our body manages to regulate its internal temperature. Here are some things you should know about sweating while exercising.

2. What is the benefit of sweating when you work out?

When we perform any intense exercise, the internal temperature of your body increases. To prevent overheating, our sweat glands present on the skin secrete sweat and the evaporation of moisture from the skin helps us cool down. While exercising it is important to maintain the temperature of the body, else it can lead to heart stroke, nausea, dizziness and muscle cramps.

3. Why do some people sweat more than others?

The reason why some people sweat more depends on several factors like what kind of clothes you are wearing, what is the room temperature and what kind of exercises they are doing. Besides, some people in general sweat more than others due to biological factors. So even though two people are performing the same exercise and working out in some room, they might sweat differently.

4. Is it dangerous if people do not sweat during work out at all?

Lack of sweat while exercising can be a sign of dehydration. If you are not well hydrated before your workout session then sweat glands will not excrete sweat. Having said that, if despite having enough fluids before your workout session, you do not sweat then talk to your doctor. This can be due to some serious health condition.

5. ​Can you prevent yourself from sweating so much?

Sweat is not a bad thing, it is actually good for you and necessary while exercising. Some people try different methods like Botox injections to reduce excessive sweating, which is not a healthy practice. But if you think that you sweat a lot and it hinders your performance then you can apply an antiperspirant under your arms, on your hands, on your feet and around your hairline. Always wear lightweight cotton clothes and drink enough water.

6. ​Is sweating too much harmful?

Sweating a lot is not harmful, but it leads to a lot of fluid loss from the body. So, it is important to compensate for the fluid loss from the body by drinking enough water after your workout session.

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