
Top 5 power skills required for getting hired in 2023



It is not just your ability to work hard that employers require today.

According to a report, soft skills like communication and four more skills, are the power skills in demand this 2023.

People skills are crucial to remain competitive and help expand the company. Scroll down to know what you can work on if you want your dream company to hire you.

According to Pearson’s first Skills Outlook: Power Skills report, as per Forbes magazine, here are 5 skills that you are required to be good at.

1. Communication

Communication is always the key to peace and efficiency in a relationship, not just in love but in life in general. You must have the basic ability to be able to express your thoughts and ideas without hiccups. It is important that you are willing to listen to others, understand them and respond to your team’s ideas as well. As per the report, many still seem to lack precision, affecting their output.

2. Customer service

With growing brands and markets, customer service is becoming much more important and for that, we need good employees in the customer service team. If a person has a bad experience, they have the option to walk away from the brand itself. Therefore, a warm, gracious, customer-centered mindset is a valuable asset in any role, whether you’re directly customer-facing or not.

3. Leadership quality

If you do not have strong leadership, the teams and organisations can fail easily. As per the report, there is a short supply of good leaders. These leaders must have the ability to motivate the younger staff and help them develop skills apt for teamwork and output.

4. Collaboration

Being able to work with others amicably is not so common. People think they can but when it comes to bringing results many people fail. You have to be good at negotiating, building a rapport and communicating well with the team. This is a major power skill required from the employee.

5. Small details

Last but not least, the ability to notice small details is very important. To be accurate and be able to complete something from top to bottom is crucial when you want results.

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