
Musa Mthombeni and Liesl Laurie are 23-months old in marriage


Musa Mthombeni and Liesl Laurie are 23 months old in marriage.

The couple doesn’t miss the chance to celebrate each milestone in their marriage.

Taking to Instagram, the two shared photos from the vacation in Bali, Indonesia

“Happy 23 months married from the other side of the world. One more month then we have a 2 year old married child shame. To many more standwa sam,” Musa captioned post.

Over the past year, the two have been able to steal hearts with their marriage.

They even trend on social media as many can’t fathom the high degree of love they have for each other.

Musa Mthombeni is a loud lover and it’s left many men inspired by the way he loves Liesl loud.

See  photos below:


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