
5 signs your child is feeling neglected​



Kids have a mind of their own and it is mostly governed by the conditions where his/ her requests and demands are met.

Every kid loves to be pampered, seen, heard, spoken to, and where all their wishes are fulfilled, and when they are not they feel dejected, ignored, and neglected.

This is a common trait seen among kids. However, this behaviour among kids needs to be taken seriously and parents should make efforts to change it else the feeling of being neglected can remain within them for a long time (sometimes even forever).

1. The feeling of being neglected is dangerous when…​

When parents do not address the reason why the kid was neglected. Kids should be made to understand that they or their demands could not be met because of certain reasons. Not just that, they should be assured that sooner or later their demands will be heard and assessed. Never leave a child to their own imagination. Clear it out from the very first moment. Let’s understand the different signs that your child exhibits when he or she feels neglected.

2. ​They start sharing less​

When a kid assumes that none of the demands are going to be met or no matter what his/ her demands will be ignored by the parents the first response to this will be isolation. They will tend to build their own space, especially among those who will understand them,

3. They show sudden outbursts of anger and frustration​

Unhappy kids, who assume that they are neglected by their parents, often have sudden outbursts of emotions. Their emotions get triggered very quickly by certain unusual things. They get aggressive very easily. They get into fights with siblings and sometimes with parents too. They don’t eat food and throw away stuff.

4. They communicate less​

A child who feels neglected will definitely not communicate any more. Even when they do, they will have a cold and unfriendly tone. Watch the tone of your kid and find out what went wrong in your action. Work faster before this behaviour sets in your kid.

​5. Lack of trust​

When a kid feels being neglected by the parents, he/she finds it difficult to trust them. Not just this, they have trust issues with others as well. These kids find it difficult to make friends and often remain detached from people.

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