
7 ways you are betraying your relationship



Trust and loyalty hold a lot of importance in any relationship, whether romantic or platonic.

Betrayal can take many forms, and sometimes we may unknowingly undermine the foundation of our relationships. This even includes chatting with your ex or a colleague and being all secretive about it!

Here are seven common ways you might be betraying your relationship:

1. Dishonesty

Being dishonest erodes trust in a relationship. Small lies can lead to bigger ones, creating a web of deception that is challenging to untangle. These lies may even seem like white lies but the truth is that some white lies too can hurt at times.

2. Emotional infidelity

Emotional intimacy is crucial in a committed relationship. Sharing personal thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities with someone outside of the relationship can create emotional distance and feelings of betrayal. Always try to discuss things with your own partner first. If you need help, you could speak to a close friend but make sure that your relationship does not get hurt in the process.

3. Lack of communication

Effective communication is what makes a relationship, a healthy relationship. When we fail to communicate openly and honestly, it can lead to several misunderstandings, resentment, and a sense of disconnection. Many relationships end because of lack of communication.

4. Ignoring needs

Disregarding your partner’s emotional, physical, or psychological needs can make them feel neglected and unimportant. The moment you do that, you are taking them for granted! It’s essential to prioritise each other’s well-being and show genuine care and support.

5. Breaking promises

Consistently failing to keep promises, whether big or small, can undermine trust. If you say you will do something, follow through on it to demonstrate reliability and commitment.

6. Secret-keeping

Everyone has a right to privacy but keeping significant secrets from your partner can lead to feelings of betrayal. Transparency about important matters builds trust and fosters a deeper connection.

7. Putting others first

Prioritising others’ needs over your partner’s, like family, friends, or work, can make them feel undervalued and betrayed. Balancing commitments is essential to maintain a healthy relationship.

If you feel you need a third person to solve your problems you can always meet a therapist. They may help solve the issues at hand.

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