5. Keeping secrets

If one or both the partners lie about his or her salary, hide money or maintain a secret bank account, that can count as financial infidelity. It’s a signal something is majorly wrong in your relationship and the time ahead might not be a rosy one.

6. Not talking about long-term investments

Since you intend to have a happily-ever-after life, you need to talk about your long-term investments as well and secure your future. Whether it is your retirement fund, buying a house or health-related expenses, no couple wants to struggle in the later years of their relationship and argue about how they could have planned this all better.

7. Pin-pointing things

While financial transparency is extremely important in a relationship, you must not forget to respect your partner’s personal space as well. You cannot pinpoint your spouse whenever he or she makes an online purchase or indulges in something. It is good to keep each other informed when making a hefty purchase but assuming your lover would spend every dime after taking your permission is a wrong expectation.