Scary movies apart from inviting ghosts in your dreams and compelling you to imagine one standing right outside your window can also have some health benefits.

But the health benefit of watching a scary movie depends on how scared you feel while watching it. Read on to know one such mind-blowing health benefit.

1. Burns calories

A study conducted in 2012 by the University of Westminster in UK asked 10 people to watch different scary movies. The heart rate, carbon dioxide output and oxygen intake of these people was monitored while they were watching the movie. The person who watched the scariest movie freaked out and jumped several times which lead to calorie-burn (184). This is roughly what a 140-pound person would burn if he/she walks for 40 minutes, according to the American Council on Exercise’s physical activity and calorie counter.

This happens due to the release of stressful stimuli, which causes the release of adrenaline hormone. It gets your heart racing which draws reserved energy from your body.

2. Boosts immune system

Another study published in the Journal Stress reveals that watching a scary movie can also boost your immune system for short term by increasing the blood circulation and white blood cells (fights infection). This increases the fight-or-flight response of the body.

3. Elevate your mood

The arousal of negative stimuli improves mood significantly, says a sociologist. People feel less anxious, less frustrated and happier after they watched a scary movie.


People who don’t feel the thrill after watching a scary movie won’t experience the above-mentioned benefits. To enjoy the benefits of scary movie one needs to feel scared while watching it.


Some scary movies may leave a frightening experience in kids and children. According to a study conducted at the University of Michigan, 26 per cent student still have a childhood scare left with them after watching a scary movie. This is called residual anxiety.