
6 thoughts we all have on the day our salary gets credited



Let’s be honest—the day we receive our salary is different from all the other days of the month.

Whether we are feeling gloomy, irritated or dejected for no reason, this day has the surreal power to lift our mood and make us hopeful about life.

Reading the text message of the salary being credited in our account brings a smug smile on our face, isn’t it?

Here are the thoughts we have on this special and the most anticipated day of the month.

1. How the day starts

Most of us wake up with thought of receiving our salary and that gives us the motivation to go to office. During the office hours, we keep checking our phone for that text message and thinking about our plans for the evening. After all, we are going to be rich in a few hours. Whoa!

2. Enquire, enquire and enquire

In case, the salary hasn’t arrived on time, we all put on our interrogation hat. We ask our co-workers whether they have received the salary or not, and can actually feel each other’s pain. Many of us do not think twice before marching up to the HR’s desk and enquiring about it. It becomes difficult to concentrate on work and finally, our cell beeps! For the next few hours, we have no complaints from life and the world seems a better place.

3. Oh, the bills

Now starts the calculation game. We think about all the pending bills, EMIs and rent to be paid. We make a rough calculation of the ballpark amount and estimate how much we can manage to save and splurge this month.

4. Now, it is the time

Some of us have been eying that designer bag or smartphone since months and now, it is the time to buy it. This purchase is the real reason why we actually slogged for the entire month and it takes just microseconds to rush to the cart of your online dating app and place the order.

5. ​The deductions

The moment we spot there have been any unnecessary deductions in our salary, we feel a whole new set of emotions. We feel duped, furious, angry, manipulated, annoyed at the same time and the entire universe looms to be conspiring against our happiness. We calculate innumerable times to confirm our doubt and secretly curse our workplace, right?

6. The wait begins

Fast forward to 15 days—we have made the big purchase, paid the bills and are done with other expenditures. We have no idea where half (or even more than that) of the salary has disappeared from our account, and we still have the weekend plans to go shopping, partying and travel. Life becomes no less than a battle and all we can do is to wait for that day. The monthly cycle continues…

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