
This is why your skin feels itchy after a hot shower



You just took a nice, hot shower, and after turning off the water, you step out and wrap yourself in a towel. A few minutes later, it begins – uncontrollable itching.

Your skin is crawling, and you cannot alleviate the irritation, no matter how much you scratch. It happens every time you take a shower, and it’s incredibly frustrating.

I find myself in this scenario quite often. The itchiness takes a few minutes to subside, but getting there feels like a long, arduous journey.

So why does skin itch after a shower? There are several reasons why this could be happening.

Dry skin

This is the most common reason for itchy skin. When you take a hot shower, you’re stripping the skin of its natural oils that keep it supple. This can cause the skin to feel dry and itchy.

How to fix it

Moisturise, that’s the key. Apply a moisturiser immediately after drying your skin. Heavy moisturisers, such as creams, oils or ointments, can help seal in moisture if applied while the skin is still slightly damp, writes Medical News Today.

If you know that you struggle with naturally dry or sensitive skin, read the labels of the moisturiser you’re applying, as some products may irritate the skin and make itching worse. In general, steer clear of products containing fragrances, menthol and alcohol, as this could further dry the skin.

Your water is too hot

As good as a piping hot shower may feel, especially during the colder months, hot water is really good at stripping the oils from your skin. And, as mentioned above, once you lose your natural oils, you are prone to dry, itchy skin.

How to fix it

Take lukewarm showers to minimise the loss of natural oils. And on those days you need that water to be hot, try to keep your shower brief.

You’re showering too often

Again, this comes back to trying to retain the moisture in your skin. If you shower more than once a day, you could be losing precious oils. In fact, some experts say you don’t even have to shower every day. According to Mind Body Green dermatologist Dr Zenovia Gabriel, daily showers may not be necessary as they could leave the skin feeling dry and itchy.

How to fix this

Use your discretion here. Consider your daily routine and plan your shower schedule accordingly. This will help you decide if you’re okay with skipping a day or perhaps just having a quick rinse on less sweaty days.

You’re having a reaction to your products

Pay attention to your skincare products. Dry and itchy skin could be a result of the soap you’re using or even your laundry detergent.

How to fix this

Stick to products created for dry and sensitive skin. Try to avoid products with fragrance, alcohol, and other irritants.

Medical conditions

Your dry and itchy skin may also result from a medical condition like eczema, which causes inflammation, itching and cracking of the skin, or aquagenic pruritus, a rare skin condition characterised by the itching of skin when it comes into contact with water. Many other skin conditions could cause dry, itchy skin. Speak to a medical professional if you’re concerned about your symptoms.

When to see a doctor

While many people can resolve their itchy skin by ensuring they keep moisturised, for some, medical intervention is required as the problem may be linked to another health condition. Consult a dermatologist who will assist you in taking care of your skin concerns.