We’ve all seen a beautiful lady walking down the street holding hands with a guy who is really ugly (we do not want to offend anyone), and if you’re a man, surely you’ve asked yourself, what does he have to do? be with such a pretty girl? Or if you’re a girl, maybe you said something like “She has more” or “That girl is blind” or similar things.
Women prefer ugly men because they are synonymous with happiness. Yes, you may be a bit impressed, but what you just read is supported by a study done by experts in social behavior and other areas.
At the State University of Florida, United States, an investigation was conducted on relationships and physical attractiveness, in which 113 newly married couples were analyzed. And the result was simple: Women with “ugly” husbands are happier.
Andrea Meltzer, a professor of psychology and Tania Reynolds, a doctoral student, both in charge of the study, interviewed the 113 women whose majority did not exceed 25 years of age, and asked them about their personal interests. Parallel to this, each of the men and women was classified according to their physical attractiveness.
For the classification, they established a rank of 1 to 10 and with the help of other universities they evaluated the photographs of the participants to be able to grant them a number.
But how did they come to that conclusion?
The results revealed that women who had attractive husbands constantly try to lose weight to look better, of course, following a healthy diet and with the help of regular exercise. Women in this category answered affirmative questions such as: “I feel extremely guilty after eating a lot”, “I like that my stomach is empty” and “I am terrified to gain weight”.
But, the women who were next to men classified as “ugly” did not try hard to maintain an enviable figure, according to established standards. This makes the girls happier are their partners.
Then, those women who do not consider themselves beautiful, will have problems to feel sure of themselves when they are next to an obviously attractive man.