
7 tips and tricks to take good pictures with your phone



Taking better photos with your smartphone is all about understanding the capabilities of your device and implementing some photography techniques.

Here are seven tips and tricks for improving your smartphone photography:

1. Clean your lens

The first and most basic tip is to ensure your smartphone lens is clean. Often, the lens can get smudged with fingerprints or dirt, which can lead to blurry or hazy photos. Use a microfiber cloth or a lens cleaning solution to keep it clean.

2. Use good lighting

Lighting is a critical factor in photography. Try to use natural light whenever possible, as it usually produces the best results. Early morning and late afternoon are known as the “golden hours” when the light is soft and warm. Avoid harsh overhead sunlight, which can create strong shadows. If needed, use external lighting sources like a softbox or LED panel for better control.

3. Composition

Apply basic composition rules such as the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing. These principles can make your photos more visually appealing. Experiment with angles and perspectives to capture unique shots.

4. Focus and exposure

Most smartphones allow you to tap on the screen to set the focus and exposure point. Take advantage of this feature to ensure your subject is in focus and correctly exposed. You can also use exposure compensation if your phone supports it to adjust the brightness.

5. HDR mode

High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode combines multiple exposures to create a well-balanced image. It’s useful in high-contrast scenes, like landscapes with a bright sky and dark foreground. Enable HDR mode on your phone for better results.

6. Use apps and filters

There are many photography apps available that can enhance your photos. Apps like Snapseed, Lightroom, and VSCO offer a range of editing tools to improve colors, contrast, and sharpness. Be mindful not to overdo the editing; subtlety often produces the best results.

7. Steady your shots

Shaky hands can lead to blurry photos, especially in low light. To stabilize your shots, use a tripod or a stable surface. If you don’t have a tripod, hold your smartphone with both hands and tuck your elbows in to create a more stable grip. Many smartphones also have built-in image stabilization features.

Bonus tip:

Learn your phone’s camera settings: Get to know your phone’s camera settings and features. Experiment with different modes, such as portrait mode, night mode, and manual settings if available. Each smartphone camera has its unique capabilities, and understanding them will help you capture better photos.

Practice and patience are key to improving your smartphone photography skills. Don’t be afraid to take lots of photos, experiment with different techniques, and learn from your mistakes. Over time, you’ll become a more proficient smartphone photographer.