
4 signs your partner has fear of abandonment



Fear of abandonment is a common and deeply rooted emotional issue that can affect one’s romantic relationships.

It often stems from past experiences or childhood trauma which manifests in various ways.

Here are some signs your partner suffers from the fear of abandonment and the reason why he/she is clinging on to you.

1. Excessive clinging

One of the most evident signs of a fear of abandonment is excessive clinginess or neediness. Your partner may constantly seek reassurance of your love and commitment. They might want to be in constant contact, become anxious when you spend time away from them or express concerns about your feelings for them.
This behaviour arises from their fear that you will eventually leave them, and they try to prevent that by being as close to you as possible.

2. Overreacting to separation or conflict

Individuals with a fear of abandonment may overreact to situations involving separation or conflict. Even minor disagreements or time apart can trigger intense emotional responses. They might interpret these situations as signs that you’re pulling away or losing interest in the relationship. This fear can lead to arguments, emotional outbursts, or attempts to emotionally manipulate you into staying close.

3. Difficulty trusting

Trust issues are common for people with a fear of abandonment. They may struggle to trust that you’ll stay committed to the relationship, even if you’ve given them no reason to doubt your loyalty. This often turns into jealousy, possessiveness, or the need to constantly check on your whereabouts or interactions with others. They may believe that if they don’t keep a close watch, you’ll abandon them for someone else.

4. Push-pull behaviour

Another sign of fear of abandonment is a push-pull dynamic in the relationship. Your partner may vacillate between being very close and affectionate and then suddenly becoming distant. This is often driven by a fear that if they get too close, they’ll end up getting hurt. They may even test your commitment by withdrawing affection or creating distance, only to seek closeness and reassurance once again.

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