
5 zodiac signs who absolutely hate romance and PDA!



As much as some people like the idea of professing their love to their partner in front of the world, some people absolutely hate it!

They can’t bear the thought of being romantic in front of others, let alone indulge in PDA!

They feel very awkward about being intimate in front of others and rather prefer to be romantic in private.

Here are the zodiac signs who tend to hate PDA and romance!

1. Taurus

They love to be affectionate, but never in public. They are too concerned about their image in public. They are shy and quiet around everyone else and shiver at the thought of PDA! They will never agree to it.

2. Virgo

They are uptight and can’t loosen up in front of anyone. To be romantic and indulge in PDA means they have to be open in front of people and their shy personality can’t afford to do that.

3. Scorpio

They like for things to stay private, especially when it comes to relationships. They don’t like to show off their relationships in front of people. They have difficulty opening up in front of people. They can’t even think of PDA!

4. Capricorn

They have strict ethics and morals that they abide by. They feel very uncomfortable showing off their relationship in front of people. They like to keep the romance behind the door.

5. Aquarius

They are very shy and despise showing off their relationship. They prefer to keep their relationship private. They can’t show affection for their partner in public because it makes then cringe.

These zodiac signs love PDA!

Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces love PDA! They love showing off their relationship in front of the public and are always in awe of their partner. They love their partner to show them off as well.

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