Dogs are not just pets, they are our furry companions, offering unconditional love, loyalty and boundless joy to all the people they live with.

As responsible dog owners, it’s our duty to ensure our four-legged friends lead happy, healthy lives.

Nobody wants their beloved pets to suffer or experience a shorter life expectancy and to make sure your dog thrives, it’s essential to be aware of the factors that can impact their longevity.

Here we list 7 things that might shorten your awesome fur friend’s life.

1. ​Poor diet and nutrition

Poor nutrition is one of the leading causes of health issues in dogs and can drastically reduce their lifespan. High-calorie, low-quality diets can lead to obesity, a condition that puts dogs at risk for various health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and joint issues as they reach old age. To ensure your dog lives a long and healthy life, feed them a well-balanced diet that meets their specific needs. Consult a veterinarian for advice on the best diet for your dog’s age, size and breed.

Also, no matter how tempted you are, make sure you give them treats in a balanced manner. Majority dog treats are high calorie and can imbalance their dietary needs.

2. Lack of regular exercise

Dogs are naturally active animals, and they need regular exercise to stay physically and mentally fit. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to obesity and can also result in boredom and behavioural problems. Physical activity not only helps them maintain a healthy weight but also keeps their muscles and joints in good condition.

Plus, exercise provides mental stimulation, preventing boredom, anxiety and destructive behavior. Dogs require daily walks, playtime and opportunities to engage in their favorite activities. Failing to provide this can significantly affect their quality of life and lifespan.

3. Neglecting vet visits

Regular visits to the veterinarian are essential to your dog’s well-being. Routine check-ups can catch health issues early, making them easier to treat and potentially saving your dog’s life. Vaccinations, bug control and dental care are all important aspects of preventative healthcare that should not be overlooked. Skipping vaccinations can lead to serious illnesses and complications that may shorten the dog’s life.

4. Exposure to toxins

Dogs are curious creatures with an inquisitive nature. This can sometimes lead to them being exposed to toxins. Household chemicals, certain plants and even some foods can be harmful to dogs. Ingesting or coming into contact with toxic substances can lead to severe health issues or even fatal poisoning. It is thus important to be aware about what your dog has access to, both inside and outside your home. Keep harmful substances out of reach and be cautious when letting your dog explore new environments.

5. Ignoring dental health

Oral hygiene is often overlooked when it comes to dogs, but it can have a significant impact on their overall health and lifespan. Dental problems, such as gum disease and tooth decay can lead to systemic health issues like heart disease and kidney problems. Neglecting your dog’s dental health can be a silent killer, as the signs of oral issues may not be immediately visible. To promote good dental hygiene, brush your dog’s teeth regularly, offer dental chews or toys and consult your vet for professional dental care.

6. Overlooking mental stimulation

Just as physical exercise is essential for your dog, so is mental stimulation. Dogs need mental challenges to stay sharp and engaged. Boredom can lead to anxiety, depression and destructive behavior. Thus, it is advised to invest in puzzles, interactive toys and training sessions to keep your dog’s mind sharp and active. A mentally stimulated dog is a happier dog which contributes to their overall well-being and lifespan.

7. Lack of socialisation

Just as humans, dogs too are social animals that thrive on companionship and interaction with other dogs and people. A lack of socialisation can lead to behavioral issues and a lower quality of life for your dog. Isolation can also cause anxiety and stress, which may affect their health. So, make sure your dog has opportunities to meet and interact with other dogs and people regularly. This can boost their emotional well-being and contribute to a longer, happier life of your fur friends.