5. Most Ikea meatballs consumed in one minute

In March 2010, a Japanese competitive eater named Takeru Kobayashi took his love for the dish to a whole new level when he broke the record for most meatballs consumed in one minute. Kobayashi ate a total of 29 meatballs in 60 seconds i.e., one meatball every two seconds.

6. Most Ikea meatballs consumed in one minute

In March 2010, a Japanese competitive eater named Takeru Kobayashi took his love for the dish to a whole new level when he broke the record for most meatballs consumed in one minute. Kobayashi ate a total of 29 meatballs in 60 seconds i.e., one meatball every two seconds.

7. Most ice cream scoops balanced on a cone

This happened in 2018 when Dimitri Pancier from Italy managed to balance 125 ice cream scoops on a single cone. This record was set by Dimitri on the sets of ‘La Notte dei Record’ in Rome, Italy. He has broken his own record when he held 85 ice cream scoops on a cone in 2013.

8. World’s longest noodle

Love slurping down the whole noodle? Well, you might be shaken by this but, a Chinese food company Xiangnian Food Co Ltd made the longest noodle in the world in 2017, which can make anyone go insane. As per GWR, this noodle was made with 40 kgs of bread flour, 26.8 litres of water and 0.6 kg of salt, and measured a whopping 3,084 kilometres. It was later cooked with egg, garlic and tomato sauce, and was served to about 400 employees and guests in attendance.