There are many health benefits of walking regularly.

However, one of the most beautiful walking experiences is to do so by walking barefoot on the grass, preferably in the morning.

Here are some of the advantages of this practice.

1. Stress reduction​

Walking on grass can have a calming and stress-reducing effect. The natural environment and connection with the earth can help lower stress levels and improve overall mental well-being.

2. ​Improved mood​

Many people report feeling happier and more relaxed after spending time barefoot on grass. It’s believed that this practice helps release endorphins, which are natural mood elevators.

3. Connects with nature​

Walking on grass provides an opportunity to connect with the natural world. It fosters a sense of unity with nature, which can be spiritually fulfilling and provide a mental escape from the daily grind.\

4. ​Maintaining blood pressure and healthy digestion​

Research suggests physical contact with the Earth’s surface can help regulate our autonomic nervous system and circadian rhythms, promoting healthy body temperature, hormone secretion, digestion and blood pressure.

5. ​Reduces inflammation​

In a small study of adults, one two-hour session of walking barefoot on grass reduced inflammation, which is associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.

​6. Enhanced circulation​

Walking barefoot on grass stimulates the nerve endings in your feet, promoting better circulation. This can lead to improved blood flow throughout your body.

7. Better sleep​

Walking barefoot on grass can enhance the quality of sleep. Being in contact with the earth’s electrons may help regulate circadian rhythms and improve sleep patterns.

8. ​Pain relief​

People with chronic pain conditions may experience relief from their symptoms after walking barefoot on grass. It may help reduce pain, inflammation, and discomfort.