
7 nutrition codes you should live by



Good nutrition is a critical part of health and development.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that better nutrition is related to improved health at all ages, enhances quality of life, lowers risk of diseases, and increases longevity.

Below are science-based nutrition tips to help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

1. Chew your food

Chew food longer until it turns into liquid in your mouth. Chewing is one of the most important stages of digestion that will help you eat slower and improve your energy levels.

2. Eat to 80 per cent fullness

You don’t need to eat to the point of being stuffed. Eat to a level where your fullness level is eight out of ten. This helps you self-regulate your calories and prevents issues such as bloating, acidity and feeling sluggish.

3. Schedule meals to be eaten at the same time every day

Eating at the same intervals every day self-regulates hunger and becomes a way of signalling your circadian rhythms throughout the day. Being in tune with the body’s circadian rhythm ensures your body is well prepared for any changes in the body and enhances sleep, productivity and overall well-being.

4. Stop eating at least three hours before bed

This helps improve digestion, prevents possible weight gain and acid reflux, and improves sleep quality.

5. Eat fewer portions but focus on satisfying nutrients

An analysis of 111,906 days of food diaries from forty thousand people found that protein, potassium, fibre, Vitamin B5 and folate are the most important when it comes to eating less and being more satisfied with meals. Include protein with every meal as studies suggest higher protein diets balance blood sugar.

6. Drink before and after

A glass of water before and after a meal will improve the feeling of fullness afterwards and prevent extra bites post meals.

7. Walk

Take a stroll after eating to improve digestion and burn extra calories.