In most interviews, if you pay close attention, you will find that the interviewers ask a few common questions.

Not all questions will be related to the job because it’s important to know the interpersonal skills, leadership qualities and aptitude of employees.

Now, a study conducted by a leading professional networking site has shortlisted eight most-often asked interview questions that evaluate a person’s professional behaviour and what he or she has accomplished or is capable of accomplishing.

So, here are the questions and we bring to you the answers that can help you score some brownie points.

1. “What is your greatest strength?”

The best way to answer this question is not merely by making claims about your strengths but by giving examples and proving it. If you say that you are good at taking up new roles, explain how you have done it. For example, if you were recruited to fill up a certain role in your last organisation, give instances of how you did that by taking up more responsibilities and projects that were not a part of your role. Be specific and answer this question with confidence.

2. “What is your greatest weakness”

Don’t be surprised if the interviewer asks about your weakness and don’t make this mistake of saying you have no weakness. There are two smart ways to answer this—transforming your weakness as strength or telling the interviewer how you are working to improve your weakness. For example, if you want to talk about weakness but make it look like a strength, you can say how you often get so absorbed in your work that you tend to forget about the time and place. This shows that you are a person who takes his work very seriously.

3. “Tell me about yourself”

When an interviewer asks, “Tell me about yourself,” this might sound like a no-brainer question because everything is there in the resume. Then why did he ask this question? First, he wants to see how good you are at holding a conversation and explaining things. Also, this as an opportunity to connect the dots between the information mentioned in your resume and whatever is missing. For example, if you have changed jobs very frequently and it’s mentioned in the CV without saying why, this will be the best time to explain the reason behind your frequent moves.

4. ​“Why do you want to work here?”

This seemingly easy question can be very tricky. Most candidates might talk about how they are a great fit for the company and how he or she can help the organisation achieve its goals. But isn’t it obvious? So, what makes you different? A better option will be to talk about the position or the role for which you are applying. How you will help to achieve the goals both long-term and short-term. Also, talking about the cultural fit and how your goals align with the company’s goals can give you an edge over the other candidates.

5. “Why should we hire you?”

It’s not uncommon for interviewers to ask, “Why should we hire you?” towards the end. So, how do you answer this question without sounding condescending or desperate? The best way to approach this is by trying to highlight things which you didn’t get a chance to say during the interview because repeating the same points about your achievements or strenghts can make your interviewer lose interest. And keep it short and simple.

6. “Tell me about a time you showed leadership”

Questions about leadership qualities should be answered very carefully. The best way to answer this question is by giving instances of leadership challenges you might have faced. In case, there are no such instances, you can then talk about your crisis management abilities. But make sure to give examples, merely saying what you did is not enough because explaining how you did it makes a lot of difference and gives more insight into your leadership qualities.

7. “Tell me about a time you were successful on a team.”

Now, this question offers you a great opportunity to talk about your contribution as a team player. But before you answer this make sure that whatever you say is relevant to the role you are applying for.

8. “What would your co-workers say about you?”

When an interviewer asks about what co-workers would say about you, trust us, most people would give the same reply because who would say that their co-workers don’t like them? So, what should you say to make a difference? Admitting that not everyone might like you can be a great start. But make sure to add that people can count on you. That should give a balanced reply.