And, this satisfaction has everything to do with the release of oxytocin, which is produced when a couple indulges in a loving session of cuddling.
According to a study undertaken by researchers from University of Groningen in the Netherlands, when a group of women were asked to watch either an erotic film, a sports video, or a neutral video of a train, and then perform a series of unpleasant acts (like drinking out of a cup with a bug in it), they found that those who’d watched the sexual acts rated the tasks as less disgusting and were also able to complete more of them as compared to their counterparts.
The researchers came to this conclusion when they performed brain scans of volunteers as they viewed sexually suggestive images and then probed the subjects about their individual sexual behaviours of past year. Apparently, it turned out that individuals whose brains were most active while viewing the sexual images, were also the ones who had most number of sexual partners.
As per the study, men burn an average of 4.2 calories a minute during sex, while women burned about 3.1. Overall, men and women burn about 101 and 69 calories per session, respectively.