Entering a relationship is like embarking on a journey, but when subtle mind games come into play, the road gets rocky.

Understanding these tactics can be your compass, helping you steer clear of emotional turbulence.

Within this guide, we’ll unravel the signs that might indicate he’s playing games, empowering you to safeguard your heart and peace of mind.

1. He’s a master when it comes to guilt tripping

Guilt is his go-to weapon. Whether it’s a disagreement or a choice you make, he subtly shifts the blame to make you feel guilty. Your every decision might seem like an obstacle, burdening the relationship. “If only you had done this differently” or “You’re making me feel this way” are common phrases, causing you to doubt yourself and constantly seek his approval.

2. You have no idea where he stands

He’s the king of ambiguity. Conversations about the future, emotions, or even plans remain elusive. He avoids defining the relationship or discussing his feelings, leaving you hanging in uncertainty. His mixed signals and cryptic responses keep you walking on eggshells, unable to discern whether he genuinely cares or is just stringing you along.

3. He plays hard to get

He’s like a puzzle you can’t solve. One moment, he’s all in, showering you with attention. The next, he fades away, leaving you in a whirlwind of confusion. His approach feels like a constant game, where he dangles hints of interest before retreating into his own world. This inconsistent behavior leaves you in a constant state of doubt, questioning his real intentions. It’s a cycle of closeness followed by distance, making you wonder if his unavailability is a genuine reflection of his feelings or just a ploy to keep you chasing after him.

4. He keeps you in his back pocket

Being there for him is effortless, but expecting the same? Not so much. He pops up when it suits his convenience, often seeking emotional support or companionship without reciprocating. It’s a pattern—you’re the reliable safety net when his other plans fall through. Yet, when you seek his presence or assistance, he’s mysteriously occupied or unavailable. This inconsistent investment in the relationship leaves you feeling undervalued and questioning your importance in his life.

5. He’s unapologetic when he’s wrong

Owning up to mistakes isn’t his forte. He maneuvers conversations expertly, shifting blame away from himself, leaving you puzzled and sometimes even convinced that you’re overreacting. Even when he’s blatantly in the wrong, apologies remain a rarity. Instead, he’ll twist the situation or deploy subtle manipulations, making you doubt your perceptions. It’s a persistent cycle that erodes trust and leaves you feeling invalidated and unheard in the relationship.