Most people drink water after eating a meal, but do you know this common habit may lead to an upset stomach and in some cases it may also lead to food poisoning.

Here are some common foods that you must avoid consuming with water.

1. Spicy foods

Drinking water immediately after consuming very spicy foods may spread the heat around your mouth and intensify the burning sensation. This may also lead to sudden bloating and discomfort.

2. ​​Fatty foods

Fatty foods can cause a feeling of heaviness and bloating. Drinking a large amount of water immediately after consuming a high-fat meal might contribute to a sense of discomfort.

3. Carbonated beverages​

Drinking carbonated water or soda after a meal, particularly a large or heavy one, may lead to bloating and gas for some individuals. The carbonation can contribute to feeling of fullness and may cause indigestion.

4. Heavy meals

Drinking a lot of water immediately after consuming a large meal may contribute to a feeling of fullness and discomfort. It’s generally recommended to drink water throughout the meal and not in excessive amounts immediately afterward.