Keeping your home tidy and sanitary is essential to living a healthy lifestyle.

Cleaning routines must be adjusted to suit the local environment in the busy world of Indian households, where vibrant cultures and traditions flourish.

Here are seven cleaning suggestions specifically designed for homes to guarantee a healthy living environment:

Sanitise your sponges

Despite their seemingly innocuous appearance, kitchen sponges can be home to a vast array of bacteria. Make a basic sanitising solution by combining vinegar and water to keep them under control. After 15 minutes of soaking in this solution, give your sponges a thorough rinse and allow to air dry. With this routine, you can wave goodbye to any possible pollutants and keep your surfaces and utensils spotless.

​Clean your drains

It doesn’t have to be a laborious process to clear out your drains. Give your drains a natural detox once a month. Pour one cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda down the drain. After ten minutes of foaming and bubbling, flush with hot water. This leaves your drains fresh and free of disease-causing bacteria in addition to unclogging and deodorising them.

​Keeping your fridge neat

Prepare a cleaning mixture and turn your refrigerator into a haven of freshness. Use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water to clean the interior. This takes care of those bothersome food residues in addition to eliminating stains and smells. To give your refrigerator an extra boost, fill it with a bowl of baking soda or activated charcoal to absorb any residual odours and leave it spotless.

Keep you cutting boards bacteria-free

Cutting boards are special, whether they are made of plastic or wood. After dusting them with baking soda, give them a quick spritz of pure vinegar. Once the magic has worked for ten minutes, rinse with cold water. This keeps those lingering bacteria at bay and ensures that your culinary explorations stay safe and sound in addition to getting rid of stains and smells.

Clean your toilets

The secret to a bathroom kingdom free of germs is regular toilet maintenance. Regular scrubbing is essential, regardless of whether you use a commercial cleaner or a homemade solution of vinegar and baking soda. This regimen ensures that your throne stays a spotless and healthy haven by warding off mould, mildew, and bacteria.

Laundry for cleanliness

Give your laundry a breath of fresh air by washing and sun-drying regularly. The sun’s natural disinfecting power is a game-changer, bidding farewell to bacteria, viruses, and fungi that might have hitchhiked on your clothes, towels, and bedding. Add a dash of vinegar or lemon juice to your wash cycle for an extra boost, leaving your fabrics bright and refreshed.

Disinfecting your floors

Don’t let dust and germs dance freely on your floors. Sweep or vacuum daily to bid adieu to dust, dirt, and debris. Follow up with a mop dipped in a solution of water and detergent or disinfectant. This dance routine keeps your floors not only clean but also germ-free, ensuring a healthy foundation for your daily life.