Women can feel secure and supported in a romantic relationship when their viewpoints are valued in a relationship.

From supporting her in her ambitions to being more compassionate in a relationship, certain positive traits make women feel secure in romantic relationships.

Read on to know seven ways to make women feel assured in romantic relationships

1. Standing by her side​

A woman can feel secure in a relationship if her partner stands by her side during family conflicts or difficult times. Standing up for your partner implies remaining steadfastly committed even during challenging times.

2. Be affectionate towards her

Whether it is a warm hug or a gentle forehead kiss, physical touch can make your partner feel loved and valued in a relationship. Being more affectionate and caring can make a woman feel assured in the relationship.

​3. Spend quality time

Romantic getaways and date nights bring couples closer to each other. Spending quality time makes a woman feel secure in the relationship. It shows you enjoy her company and like to be around her. Positive conversations solidify the relationship.

4. Be more encouraging

A constant motivation and encouragement from your partner can solve a plethora of problems. Encouragement provides emotional support and builds deep intimacy. It shows that her partner believes in her talents.

5. ​Be more understanding

When you are more considerate towards the needs of your partner, it cultivates a sense of mutual trust in the relationship. Trying to understand things from her point of view shows a more understanding and mature partner.

6. Acceptance​

Accepting her flaws and the way she is makes her feel secure in the relationship. It allows a woman to be her true self without the fear of judgment. Acceptance fosters a sense of mutual respect.

7. ​Being responsible

Being a responsible partner assures her that she can count on her partner to take responsibility. A responsible partner does not escape from responsibilities or demonstrate a lack of concern in the relationship. Instead, being responsible shows that she has a dependable partner.