
5 behaviors that stern from lack of money



In today’s world, where the hustle culture is glorified, certain behaviors have been normalized to the extent of being seen as mere personality traits.

However, beneath the surface, these could be indicative of a deeper issue—financial insecurity or poverty mindset.

Let’s dive into five such behaviors, casting light on what they truly represent.

1. The constant need to take food back home

Ever noticed how some folks insist on packing leftovers after a casual date or a party? While it’s painted as being resourceful, it’s often a sign of financial strain.

This behavior, dubbed the ‘Takeaway Syndrome,’ mirrors a scarcity mindset where one feels the need to grab hold of free resources, fearing they might not have enough in the future.

While it’s wise to not waste food, the urgency to save every bit goes beyond frugality—it whispers tales of underlying poverty.

2. Even when there’s plenty, you want to use very little

Then there’s the peculiar case of managing very little when one apparently has a lot. It’s like watching someone with a full plate, saving each grain of rice for a rainy day that never comes.

This behavior often stems from an ingrained fear of losing everything, which prompts individuals to live far below their means.

Although saving for a rainy day is prudent, excessively saving when unnecessary can indicate poverty-driven anxiety, hindering one from enjoying the fruits of their labor.

3. Saving money instead of spending it

Holding onto money tightly, even when there are pressing needs or investments to make, is a classic poverty signal.

It reflects a deep-seated fear of scarcity, leading individuals to miss out on opportunities that require spending for future gains.

This hoarding mentality can stunt personal and financial growth, as it prioritizes immediate security over long-term benefits.

4. Constantly spending money

Conversely, the compulsion to spend all money the moment it’s received is equally telling. This behavior, often a reaction to past scarcity, signifies a lack of financial discipline and foresight.

It’s a precarious dance on the poverty line, where the joy of immediate gratification constantly battles the specter of future financial instability.

5. You are always calculating

Lastly, the habit of constantly calculating funds after every purchase, despite earning well, hints at a deep-rooted insecurity about finances.

While it’s crucial to track expenses, obsessing over every cent spent, even when financially stable, reveals a scarcity mindset that’s hard to shake off.

These behaviors, often dismissed as quirks, are red flags indicating a poverty mindset. Recognizing and addressing them is the first step towards fostering a healthier relationship with money, paving the way for financial security and freedom.