Suffering from poor digestive health or fatty liver, then it’s time to detox your body with some natural spices and herb blends.

These simple drinks can help in melting the fat deposition on the liver and help in flushing out the toxins.

Here are some easy ways to detoxify the liver using spices and herbs blends.

1. Ginger Detox Smoothie​

Blend together fresh ginger, spinach, pineapple, banana, and coconut water to make a refreshing detox smoothie. Ginger aids digestion and supports liver function, while spinach provides essential nutrients for detoxification.

​​2. Detox Green Tea​

Enjoy a cup of green tea infused with detoxifying herbs like dandelion, tulsi leaves, raw ginger. Just boil green tea with these ingredients and sip on. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and these herbs support liver function and promote detoxification.

3. Turmeric Golden Tea​

Make a soothing turmeric golden tea by heating water with turmeric, black pepper, and a touch of honey. Turmeric contains curcumin, known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that support liver health.

​​4. Warm Lemon Water​

Start your day with a glass of warm water infused with fresh lemon juice. Lemon stimulates liver enzymes and aids digestion, helping to flush out toxins from the liver.

5. Cinnamon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink​

Mix apple cider vinegar with water, a dash of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of honey. Apple cider vinegar helps alkalize the body and supports liver detoxification, while cinnamon adds flavor and additional detoxifying benefits.