This procedure, which has gained popularity in sexual health discourse as a way to get “better orgasms,” has actually been used for treating premature ejaculation for more than 50 years.
Here’s how to do start-stop technique in sex:
Start the sexual action with your partner, whether it be oral, anal, vaginal, or another type of stimulation. Attempt oral sex, activating their G-spot, licking, flicking, sucking, or doing anything else that gets them in the mood. Make sure they are outspoken or give indications of when they will arrive.
Once the sensation has passed and you no longer feel as though you are about to reach climax, you can resume sexual activity.
Stop-squeeze technique:
The stop-squeeze method is an ejaculatory control technique just like edging. By holding the penis’ tip until the sensation passes, you can get close to the climax and then abruptly back off. You have the option of performing the stop-squeeze repeatedly or just once. You can postpone a climax in the middle of sexual play by using this technique.
If your partner is unaware of your plans, edging will delay your orgasm and may even intensify it, but it can be a laborious or time-consuming procedure. Talk about it before you start edging during sex.