
Grill these 9 foods to experience a different world of flavours



We have all the reason to eat light, as it makes the digestion easy and quick. And the best way to prepare light food is through ‘grilling’.

While the classic grilled dishes are done to death, it’s time to explore something new, not just in terms of taste but also in terms of ingredients.

Here’s the list of 9 food items that you never thought can be grilled. Try them to experience a different world of flavours.

1. Watermelon

For a change, grill the slices with a hint of salt that makes this summery fruit unexpectedly savory and meaty. You can use grilled watermelon to garnish drinks or use them in salads.

2. Pineapple

Grilling the pineapple slices not only enhances the flavour of the dish they are added to but also takes away the acidic content of the fruit that makes it taste sweeter.

3. Romaine lettuce

Surprisingly, the greens treat the grilling process really well and help create a perfect smoky flavour. You can serve it with grated Parmesan and red wine vinegar for perfect flavours.

4. Cheese

Forget bread and grill thick cheese slices for a few minutes and indulge in the rich and chewy texture of cheese like- halloumi or aged provolone. You can serve them with bread or with wine.

5. Cauliflower

Grilling cauliflower not only removes the awful smell but also enhances the flavour. Wash the florets, coat them with olive oil, salt and pepper, and grill.

6. Cake

Grilling cakes results in warm interiors and caramelized exteriors that further balance sweetness with smoky flavours.

7. Polenta

For the perfect crisp golden exteriors and smoky interiors, allow it to grill for a few minutes. Trust us, after having this version of polenta, you will forget the classic creamy ones.

8. Avocados

Grill the halves of avocado along with the skin and then gently scoop out the flesh and mix it with guacamole or mayonnaise to balance the smoky and savory flavour. Relish it at room temperature or refrigerate.

9. Artichokes

All you need to do is to cut the artichoke in half and discard the choke. Brush some oil on it and place on the grill. The charred edges of artichokes can add a whole new texture and flavour to your appetizers and salads.

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