
5 surprising human activities animals can also do



Animals and humans have always co-existed for as long as we can remember.

A lot of us keep them as pets and throughout the years, it has been discovered that animals are much more similar to humans than we already know.

It is common knowledge that some animals can recognise their names and certain commands from their human companions or owners. But it does not stop there as some animals can do a whole lot more.

Here are five surprising human activities animals can do also:

Do you know that some animals can understand sign language? This was proven with Koko the gorilla, whose trainer managed to teach the great ape over 2,000 words in sign language. This training was an eye-opener as Koko went on to be able to regularly make long sentences that had as many as eight signs in a sequence.

This, in addition to other traits expressed by gorillas actually made scientists decide that a gorilla has similar intelligence as a human child.

Another surprising human activity that some animals can also do is hold a grudge. Just like humans, some birds such as crows and ravens have been said to have some sort of unforgiving spirit and hold a grudge for years.

Scientists say these birds can beef you for almost five years. To make matters worse, crows and ravens will pass on their hatred of you to all their friends and family.

Elephants are commonly referred to as one of the smartest animals on earth. These huge beings have been noticed to conduct funerals for their dead ones. It has also been discovered that elephants can bury their dead, cry over them, and even go through a period of mourning just like humans.

It has also been observed that from time to time, some elephants visit the graves of their loved ones to mourn them further.

When you hear about drugs and crimes, the first thought is, it is a human trait. Some animals also do this. An example is the dolphin that has been recognised as loving to get high. Dolphins over the years have discovered that when they suck on a poisonous pufferfish, they can get a really pleasant high from it and they now willingly indulge in it in groups.

In other words, dolphins like to get stoned. It does not stop there as dolphins have also been accused of human-like crimes such as gang-rape of females and even murder. But it is not quite clear if they understand that what they are doing is wrong.

Humans pass so many messages with songs. It has been discovered that whales can also do the same. According to research, whales have complex songs for communication that other whales can hear in different parts of the ocean. It is said that this song can even be heard by other whales that are about a thousand miles away. Amazing right?

What other human trait have you noticed in animals?

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