We are literally made up of the food we eat. The food we consume is used to replace old cells in every body tissue that are constantly being discarded.

Proteins and other essential nutrients are critical for bodily functions such as energy production and brain neurotransmitter production that regulate mood and mental function.

Besides getting essential nutrients, in today’s environment, we take in a lot of harmful entities via food as well such as inflammatory foods and chemicals.

The elimination of these things and cleaning up our diet helps our health immensely as well.

All of this highlights how important food is to eliminate and prevent diseases and maintain good health. There are a number of key points to key in mind for proper nutrition.

1. Eat whole unprocessed foods

Try to eat foods in their whole and natural form and avoid foods that have gone through industrial processing as far as possible. While this is the general approach to follow, there is a little more nuance to this- sometimes food processing in a few cases can be beneficial and it varies from case to case.

​2. Avoid inflammatory foods

Certain foods are known to be very inflammatory in general and should be avoided as far as possible including gluten, soy, processed dairy, corn, seed oils, etc. Even a lot of non-fruit plant foods contain plant defense chemicals and anti-nutrients that can be detrimental to health. Tolerability varies from person to person.

3. Eat adequate proteins and essential nutrients​

It’s essential to get at least 1 gram of protein per kg of bodyweight. And getting all essential nutrients is critical. Animal foods, especially organ meats are the best source of essential nutrients and healthy protein.

​4. Limit sugar and carbohydrates​

Excessive sugar, especially refined sugar tends to dysregulate our blood sugar and insulin levels which can lead to all kinds of health problems. Our modern-day diets are too high in refined carbohydrates which is a big contributing factor to the rising rate of chronic illnesses. Eating adequate amounts of protein and fats helps us control our appetite and reduce sugar cravings.

​5. Proper meal timings​

We should be consuming the bulk of our food during the daytime and minimize consumption at night, especially before bed. Our circadian rhythm has a huge impact on our health. Our hormones and enzyme systems are primed to work at their best during the day.

6. Mindful eating​

The way we consume our food also has a big impact on digestion and nutrient assimilation. If we are stressed when eating and eat in our hurry, our enzyme secretion is inhibited and digestion is hampered. We need to be relaxed when we eat and focus on our food. Chewing properly is very important too. Chewing or mastication also helps facilitate enzyme secretion.