
Cyan Boujee prays for girls who are victims of sexual abuse


Cyan Boujee reacts to the news of a one-year-old baby girl who was raped in a daycare in Durban.

The DJ frowned at the incident and also revealed that it broke her heart.

“Wow I have been in a difficult place, what is happening in the world, especially to our young girls? As a content creator, I am not even comfortable posting because our fellow peers, colleagues, and little sisters are suffering, getting abused, & dying DAILY,” she wrote.

Boujee continued her lengthy note with words of prayers for victims and all females in the world.

“Oh Lord, I come before you with a heavy heart. We have had enough. We’re in our darkest days. But We know that nothing is impossible without you. Please keep every female in the world safe from those who would harm them.”

“Please support & carry us in all dangers around the world. And for every woman reading this feeling unheard, devalued, minimized, I pray you heal her heart from her past & current experiences. I ask that you allow every woman to see themselves the way you see them. Bandage our wounds & heal us. We sing hymns of praise to you. I pray for a little wink from heaven, a little nod that demonstrates that you’re with us I pray for Grace & peace to EVERYONE.”

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