
Women For Change organisation calls for Grootman’s arrest


Grootman gets cancelled following the release of his ex-girlfriend’s s*x tape

Women for Change organisation calls for the arrest of Grootman, real name Themba Selahle.

The internet and social media platforms were buzzing due to Gcinile Twala’s s*x tape.

A majority of people believe that the tape was leaked by the lady’s ex, who happens to be Grootman.

The organisation, wrote a lengthy note, asking the authority to give Twala justice.

Women For Change (WFC) is a non-profit organisation that advocates for the constitutional rights of women and children in South Africa.

“Women For Change are deeply appalled and outraged by the sex tape that was allegedly leaked by Themba Selahle, known as ’Grootman’. This heinous act of revenge porn is not only a gross violation of privacy but also a deeply traumatising experience for Gcinile Twala.”

“We demand justice for Gcinile. Grootman must be arrested and held accountable for his actions. We call on law enforcement, policymakers, and community leaders to take a stand against revenge porn and all forms of gender-based violence,” the statement reads.

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