
Twitter slay queen! Grootman pokes fun at Gcinile’s lawyer


Grootman calls Gcinile’s lawyer a slay queen

Themba Selahle, famously known as Grootman mocks Gcinile Twala’s lawyer, Mathari Manyisa.

Gcinile went legal against the father of her child after their s*x tape was leaked earlier this week and went viral on the internet.

The baby mama believes her ex released the video for revenge porn, but he denied the allegations, saying that Twala was the one who released it.

Gcinile’s lawyer has surfaced on social media as she went Live on social media to address the issue.

Grootman took to his Instagram stories to poke fun at his baby mama and the lawyer.

“I actually thought she got herself a lawyer enencondo, kanti it’s these Twitter slay queens that are fishing for clients with their fake feminisms support. Anyways, till July… We will speak about this again after then,” he wrtoe.

On Thursday, Twala’s lawyer, Mathari Manyisa, appeared before the Gauteng High Court to file an application to interdict and restrain Selahle from sharing any videos and pictures of Twala on social media.

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