
5 major changes in modern marriages



If we do not evolve with how marriage has changed, we will be stuck in the past ways of doing things and the consequence is that we will have troubles in our marriages.

In the past, marriages were often prearranged; it was all about maintaining family ties and social standing. The people got married to fulfil their duty; love came later.

Here’s how marriage changed:

Before, it was the man’s sole responsibility to take care of the family, since he worked and the woman stayed home, but this shouldn’t work these days. Since it places undue strain on him especially when the woman is earning an income.

This also means men should not be threatened if their wives earn more money than them since they are not the sole providers anymore.

Plus, the family can achieve more when both parties have a shared income for taking care of the family.

When financial responsibility is shared between the husband and wife, household chores should be as well. This creates a more balanced partnership.

In modern marriages, cooking shouldn’t be solely the wife’s domain. While socialization might lead some women to be more comfortable in the kitchen, household chores, including cooking are ideally a shared responsibility. This ensures a fairer division of labour.

In modern marriages, partners do not seek to exert control over each other; what they care about is how their behaviour influences their partner. They are all working towards the same goal and should seek what is best for each other, which involves partnering and compromising instead of controlling.

People are no longer content with simply co-existing. They desire a true companion, someone they can talk to who offers support during challenges, celebrates victories and offers emotional support.

In the past, marriage was a practical concern, often involving dowries and arranged unions. Although dowries are still paid in this part of the world, they’re not pivotal. Parental involvement in choosing a partner is diminished; most people will go on to marry a partner whether or not their parents consent.

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