Be it straight, oily, frizzy or dry hair, all of you might be skeptical about the number of times you should wash your hair.

The fear of the mane getting damaged or hair fall might have led you to wrong hair washing choices which further diminishes the quality of your hair.

Each hair type is different from one another, which requires different care. From wavy hair to dry hair, here is the ultimate washing guide you need to follow:

Straight hair

People with straight hair are often admired by others and praised for their shiny and silky locks, but there are several struggles one faces while maintaining straight hair. They easily get oily and sticky. If your hair gets greasy in just one day, then you can wash your every alternate day. One can also invest in a dry shampoo between the washing cycles to maintain dry hair.

Wavy hair

To keep your soft curls volumised you can wash your hair two to three times a week depending on your hair quality. If they are thick you can wash them twice a week, while thinner and wavier hair could be washed thrice a week. Avoid using shampoos with oils and butters as they can weigh down your curls, making them look haywire.

Curly hair

People with curly hair have an added advantage of an oil-free look all through the week. Even if their scalp is oily, it doesn’t travel down to their curls. Curls always give a dry and fresh look due to their texture. You can opt for washing your hair once or twice a week.

Frizzy hair

People with frizzy hair know the real struggles of managing their hair. Frizzy hair is often damaged due to colouring, heat, chemical treatment or colouring. Too much shampooing can further lead to dry cuticles and split ends. You can wash your hair twice or thrice a week with natural shampoos. Also, try to use chemical-free products which can further damage your hair.

Oily hair

No matter what your hair type is, if your locks get oily, you can wash them regularly. It is recommended to wash greasy locks every alternative week or after two days in a row. Instead of skipping the conditioner, make sure you apply it on the ends only and not the scalp area.

​Dry hair

People with dry hair can wash their head twice or thrice a week. You must avoid hair styling or heat treatments as they can make your hair drier. One of the best ways to nourish your locks is to oil your hair before shampooing. This trick can work as a mask and give you soft and nourished locks.