Do you mindlessly keep scrolling through your phone for no reason? Do you check your WhatsApp and Instagram every two minutes?

Worse, do you also keep scrolling your phone while you are talking to someone?

If you are nodding your head in affirmation, fret not, you are not the only one. We all are victims of smartphone addiction.

Today in this article we tell how to break your habit of looking at your phone every two minutes.

Why do we keep scrolling through our phones for no reason?

Our brain constantly needs to do something. Before the world of Internet, people engaged themselves in outdoor games, gossiping or in hobbies like writing, colouring, dancing and singing to keep themselves busy. All these activities kept their brains engaged.

The thing is that our brain will always choose to do something that does not require extra effort. Mindless scrolling obviously tops the list.

What happens when you constantly look at your phone?

Mindless scrolling becomes a thing of concern when it gets difficult for you to stop it and you start ignoring important things because of your phone. The solution to this is very simple, give your brain something else to do by diverting your mind to something else.

We do not say it’s easy to give up the habit, but it’s definitely possible.

Two easy ways to change the habit of mindless scrolling

Habit 1: Keep your phone away from you

Start by keeping your phone in another room, away from you. You can keep it in your bag, hide it in the drawer or simply keep it anywhere, from where it’s not visible to you. There is a fair chance that when you won’t see your phone in front of you, you won’t scroll through it.

Habit 2: Maintain a schedule

Maintain a schedule where you allow yourself a specific time to check your social media feed. You can give yourself scrolling time as a reward for some important work that you accomplished. You need to remind yourself that enjoying scrolling through your phone will be more fun if there are no important tasks pending.


Your hands won’t reach out for your phone if you engage yourself in something more creative and meaningful. Changing a habit takes time and constant efforts.