
14 natural ways to get rid of insects from your kitchen



Insects in the kitchen can be a nuisance and a health hazard. We often see insects like ants, fruit flies, and cockroaches ransacking kitchens in search of food and moisture.

These pests can quickly become a nuisance, contaminating food and surfaces with their presence.

How about we tell you some natural yet effective strategies to get rid of them without resorting to harsh chemicals? Take a look.

Keep your kitchen clean

Maintaining a clean kitchen is the first line of defence against insects.Regularly wipe down countertops, sweep floors, and clean up spills immediately. Make sure to wash dishes promptly and take out the trash daily to eliminate food sources that attract pests.

Use vinegar solutions

Vinegar is a powerful natural insect repellent. Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to clean surfaces, including countertops and floors. The strong smell of vinegar deters ants, flies, and other insects.

Essential oils

Certain essential oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender, are effective at repelling insects. Add a few drops of essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and use it to mist areas where insects are a problem. You can also soak cotton balls in essential oil and place them in strategic locations around the kitchen.

Lemon and cloves

Lemon and cloves make a powerful insect-repellent duo. Cut a lemon in half and insert cloves into the pulp. Place the lemon halves in areas where you’ve noticed insect activity. The strong scent of the cloves and citrus deters flies and mosquitoes.

Basil leaves

Basil is a natural insect repellent that can keep flies and mosquitoes away. Place fresh basil leaves in small bowls around your kitchen or grow a basil plant on your windowsill. Not only will it help repel insects, but it will also provide you with fresh herbs for cooking.

Cucumber slices

Cucumbers are particularly effective against ants. Place slices or peels of cucumber in areas where ants enter your kitchen. The bitter compounds in cucumbers are disliked by ants, helping to keep them away.

Garlic spray

Garlic is a potent natural insect repellent. Crush a few garlic cloves and boil them in water. Strain the mixture and pour it into a spray bottle. Use the garlic spray around your kitchen to repel insects. The strong odour will fade for humans but remain effective against pests.

Bay leaves

Bay leaves are known to repel insects such as cockroaches, ants, and flies. Place whole bay leaves in your pantry, cupboards, and under the sink. The strong scent of bay leaves keeps insects away from food storage areas.

Citrus peels

Citrus peels, such as those from oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, contain natural oils that repel insects. Place fresh peels in areas where insects are a problem. You can also rub the peels directly on surfaces like countertops and windowsills to deter pests.

Neem oil

Neem oil is a powerful natural insect repellent and pesticide. Mix a few drops of neem oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where insects are commonly seen. Neem oil disrupts the life cycle of insects, reducing their population over time.


Cinnamon is effective in repelling ants and other insects. Sprinkle ground cinnamon along windowsills, doorways, and other entry points. You can also place cinnamon sticks in cabinets and pantry shelves to keep bugs away.

Boric acid

Boric acid is a natural substance that can be used to control ants, cockroaches, and other insects. Mix boric acid with sugar or flour and place the mixture in small containers around your kitchen. Insects are attracted to the sugar but will be killed by the boric acid.

Pepper spray

A homemade pepper spray can deter insects from entering your kitchen. Boil water with crushed red pepper flakes or ground black pepper, then let it cool. Strain the mixture and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply the pepper spray around entry points and infested areas to keep insects away.


This can be used to shoo away the mosquitoes easily. This is a viral and effective home remedy, where you need to put some old coffee pouches in a glass jar and burn the coffee. The aroma and the smoke will make them go away easily.

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