There is a lot of contradiction among health experts regarding the consumption of caffeine. As per science, drinking coffee has several health benefits.

At the same time, there is no denying that it has the potential to cause negative impacts on our health.

Coffee helps you stay alert, improves your mood, concentration level and increases the efficiency of your brain.

The coffee beans may also provide you with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits that can cut down the risk of several chronic diseases.

You may enjoy all these health benefits only if you brew your cup of coffee correctly.

Yes, you read it right! You may be a pro in brewing your favourite cup of caffeine, but things can easily go wrong if you are not cautious.

How coffee is beneficial for your brain?

Coffee contains caffeine that affects the central nervous system by interacting with adenosine receptors. When caffeine binds with these neuroreceptors, it stimulates the central nervous system, making you feel alert. Studies suggest that caffeine can boost brain function in the short term. It can improve your mood, attention, learning ability, reaction time and other mental functions. We have listed these things that most coffee lovers make that can minimise these benefits.

1. ​Excessive intake

Ideally, a person should not have more than 2 cups of coffee in a day. Two 250 ml of caffeine does not harm you in any way. Going beyond this can lead to abdominal pain, seizures, increased blood acid levels, irregular or fast heartbeat, and reduced blood flow to the heart. All of these factors over time can decrease your longevity. It can also increase your level of anxiety, insomnia and make you feel tired all the time.

2. Too much added sugar

Refined sugar contains only calories and zero nutrients. If you are already addicted to caffeine and you load on refined sugar, then things turn more harmful. Excessive sugar intake may lead to an energy crash, increase the risk of obesity and even diabetes. Try to consume less sugar and if possible replace it with healthy sweetener alternatives like jaggery. Even adding cinnamon powder can add sweetener to your coffee.

3. Taking caffeine after 2 pm

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages across the globe. When we are feeling sluggish or tired we just reach out for a cup of coffee for instant energy and alertness. But drinking it after your mid-meal can interfere with your sleep and keep you awake till late at night. Sleeplessness can several side effects on your health and may even impact your brain functioning. If you want to drink coffee post-lunch time have decaf. It contains less caffeine as compared to your regular cup of coffee.