
You need to take these many vacations in a year to live longer!



Have you been planning for your favourite vacation for years? It’s time to execute the plan.

According to a new research presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, going for a vacation can not only help you relax and feel refreshed but also give you a longer life.

Taking at least three long breaks in a year has huge health benefits, says research.

If you think you have a healthy lifestyle – you eat right, go to the gym, do yoga, take supplements and thus, the rule doesn’t apply to you, such is not the case. Even the healthiest lifestyle cannot compensate for vacations.

The research was conducted by the scientists at the University of Helsinki, where the scientists observed 1,222 middle-aged men for 40 years. These men were born between 1919 to 1934 and they enrolled for the study between the year 1974 and 1975.

All the men who participated had at least one risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease including smoking, high blood pressure, high triglycerides levels, high cholesterol, overweight or high blood sugar.

The men were divided into two groups, a control and intervention group. The men in the intervention group were time to time given advice on how to improve their health while men in the control group lived the way they always had.

Men in the intervention group were asked to exercise, eat healthy, stop smoking, control their weight and much more.

The results were that after 15 years, the people in the intervention group had higher mortality rates than people in the control group. This was because people in the control group worked too hard, slept less and were not taking enough vacations.

Even some people in the intervention group had 37 per cent higher chances of dying as their vacations were less than three weeks annually.

Well, guess it’s truly time to plan a vacay!

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