
5 easy steps to become a food blogger



Becoming a successful food blogger may seem daunting, especially if you’re not confident in your photography skills.

However, with some simple techniques, you can enhance your food photography and create engaging content.

Here are some simple steps to help you kick-start your journey as a food blogger.

1. Master basic photography techniques

The first step is to familiarise yourself with basic photography principles.

Understanding concepts such as composition, lighting, and framing can significantly improve your food photos.

Composition: Use the rule of thirds by dividing your frame into a 3×3 grid and placing the main elements along the grid lines or intersections. This creates a balanced and visually appealing image.

Lighting: Natural light is your best friend in food photography. Try shooting near a window or in an outdoor setting to make the colors pop. Avoid harsh, direct sunlight, which can create unwanted shadows. Instead, opt for diffused light for softer, more flattering results.

Framing: Experiment with different angles. Overhead shots are great for flat dishes, while a 45-degree angle can highlight layers in a sandwich or a cake. Play around with perspectives to see what works best for each dish.

2. Invest in the right equipment

While you don’t need an expensive camera to start, having the right tools can make a difference.

Camera: A DSLR or mirrorless camera can give you more control over your photos, but many food bloggers successfully use smartphones with high-quality cameras. If you’re using a phone, explore various camera apps that offer manual settings.

Lens: If you opt for a camera, consider investing in a prime lens (like a 50mm) that offers good depth of field and clarity, perfect for food shots.

Tripod: A tripod can stabilize your camera, especially in low light conditions, allowing for sharper images. It also frees up your hands for arranging food or props.

3. Focus on styling and presentation

Food styling is crucial in making your dishes look appetising and blog-worthy.

Plating: Use attractive plates and bowls that complement your food. White or neutral-colored dishes often work best as they let the food stand out.

Props: Incorporate props like utensils, napkins, or ingredients in the background to add context and interest. However, keep it simple and avoid cluttering the frame.

Garnishing: Fresh herbs, a sprinkle of spices, or a drizzle of sauce can enhance the visual appeal of your dish. Use garnishes that add color contrast and texture.

4. Edit your photos

Post-processing can elevate your photos from good to great.

Editing software: Use photo editing tools like Adobe Lightroom or mobile apps such as VSCO and Snapseed to enhance your images. Adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation to make your food look vibrant and appealing.

Consistency: Develop a consistent editing style to create a cohesive look for your blog. This could involve using similar filters or presets for your photos, which helps in establishing your brand identity.

5. Create engaging content

Beyond beautiful photos, engaging content is key to building a successful food blog.

Storytelling: Share the story behind each dish. Whether it’s a cherished family recipe or a new culinary experiment, adding a personal touch makes your blog relatable and interesting.

Recipes and tips: Offer detailed recipes and cooking tips. This not only helps your readers recreate your dishes but also establishes your authority in the food blogging niche.

Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and engage with your audience on social media. Building a community around your blog encourages more interaction and loyalty.

Starting a food blog can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to share your culinary adventures with the world. By mastering basic photography techniques, investing in the right equipment, focusing on styling, editing your photos, and creating engaging content, you can overcome the challenge of not being great at clicking pictures. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting and refining your skills. Soon enough, you’ll find your unique style and voice in the vibrant world of food blogging.