
Are situationships better than actually being in a relationship?



Prospects and consequences come with all kinds of choices of life or circumstantial way of life.

So, situationships sometimes are very practical, and workable for a simple reason. One is that freshness comes with change. The other is that no commitment in the relationship keeps you mentally and emotionally free. However, it also has its challenges.

Moreover, in situationships, you know what you are getting in for and how temporary they could be.

The expectations are very low or minimalistic, so the disappointments are very low and minimalistic. The relationship is based more on convenience, and it is not exclusive. Also, responsibilities are minimalistic. That is the biggest advantage of situationship. Yet people can focus on their careers, on the other part of the family, and pursue self-development, self-evolution, and spiritual growth.

On the other hand, a steady, stable and long-standing relationship brings a kind of sense of anchoring, a sense of emotional fulfilment, and satisfaction beyond imagination. That also brings a kind of partnership and companionship that grows and evolves together and adds value as a family and integration of families of both the partners. That enrichment also is very fulfilling. Value out of friendships of both sides also increases value addition and further evolution of both. Giving birth to an offspring further increases the unity of the family and emotional fulfilment, mental fulfilment, a sense of joy; and a sense of well-being come with that. Both have their prospects and consequences.

However, in today’s practical world, people have started thinking about being in a situationship rather than a relationship as people are scared of commitments. Also, the lack of stability and consistency can be stressful and your mental health goes for a toss. As a matter of fact, it is very natural for a human to expect from any relationship– be it a situationship, a mother-son relationship, a husband-wife relationship, or a boss-employee relationship. No matter how practical you are, expectations are seeded in your subconscious mind and it begins to grow and develop when you start spending more time with anyone.

For any long-term relationship to sustain it takes a lot of effort. Sometimes it can be painful and enjoyable at the same time. It requires many compromises from the partners to make it healthy and fulfilling. You must make many adjustments because nobody is perfect. We need and must fill in the gaps without letting our partner know by being flexible in our relationship. A lot of things need to be sacrificed for relationships to grow over time. Some people become duty-bound and grudge about it, and some people become duty-bound and enjoy the ups and downs of life.

However, understanding the basic principles can help build a meaningful and lovable relationship.

Building emotional bonds by expressing yourself, respecting each other’s opinion, motivating, and pushing your partner to be better, helping them achieve their goals, making travel plans, planning vacations, going on regular dates, and working out together– all of these help in building a special bond with your partner