
7 travel tips for older people



The fascinating reality about life is that we are only young for a season.

Before we know it, that season slips through our fingers as we go on with the journey of life through the ageing process.

Where certain activities in our lives – such as work come to an end at some point, travelling does not stop because you are getting older.

Many people and senior citizens discover the joy of adventure and travel when they are older.

Fortunately, there are steps older travellers can take to protect themselves. Here’s a list of them below;

1. Insurance is key. While travel insurance is important for travellers of any age, it is essential for older travellers who are more at risk of getting into health mishaps during their travel.

2. Watch out what you eat. Older people tend to have more sensitive tummies and are frequently on restricted diets. It is understandable to want to forget those facts while away from home, but doing so could have undesirable side effects. Unless one wants to spend more time in their hotel room, they keep the heavy spic, fatty and cheesy food to a minimum.

3. Older travellers are advised to check with their doctors before leaving for a trip to find out if certain foods popular in their destinations are off-limits. It taking medication, always take as much as your prescribed medication to last your travelling duration and keep them safely in a travelling bag that you can reach easily.

4. Keep a list of your essential medications with their names and prescribed doses so you can replace them if the need arises.

5. Keep valuable jewellery to a minimum. One perk about getting older is that you can afford to shop for more value. However, carrying valuable items like gold watches and expensive cameras makes you a target for thieves. Criminals believe that older travellers are less aware of their surroundings, more unsteady in their feet, and all around easier targets.

6. Experts recommend that if you are travelling solo, keep others appraised of your daily itinerary, including trusted staff at your accommodation venue.

7. To benefit from a full day’s itinerary, wear comfortable walking and touring gear. Experts recommend flat shoes that will help older travellers to keep steady on their feet.