
5 signs you are overdoing being nice



Being kind and considerate of others’ feelings is a remarkable trait.

Still, when taken to extremes, it can be overwhelming and harmful, leading to great emotional stress and sacrifices of your needs and preferences.

If you constantly urge to be nice and kind to others, ignoring their negative behaviour towards you, it may be high time!

Kindness should come from heart and willingness, and not feeling like a burden hovering over your head.

The first and foremost step towards changing this behaviour and regaining control lies in recognizing the signs.

To help you achieve a healthy balance between caring for others while also being caring towards yourself, we have mentioned five notable signs that you might be overdoing being nice.

​1. Seeking approval when someone is upset

Seeking approval whenever you feel someone is upset with you is a significant sign that you are overdoing niceness. Engaging in people-pleasing behaviour and trying hard to seek excessive validation is a problematic behaviour and it’s essential to understand the importance of being confident and true to yourself rather than consistently trying to put effort, making sure everyone stays happy with you.

2. ​Repeatedly forgiving harmful behaviour

The habit of consistently forgiving harmful behaviour and choosing to ignore its overwhelming and toxic impact on your life is another crucial sign of being overly nice and kind, letting people walk all over you. It’s of immense importance to set clear boundaries and not let people take you for granted.

3. ​Your identity is tied to being nice

If a major aspect of your identity lies in always being nice, becoming the core of who you are, that’s when you need to realize that you are overdoing niceness. The niceness and kindness should come from within and one shouldn’t feel the need or pressure to always be this way.

4. ​Prioritizing others over yoursel

Constantly putting others first while sacrificing your wants and needs is a significant sign of being overly nice. If you are someone who constantly drops your plans to help others, even when you don’t want to, feeling the uncontrollable urge to do it, it’s a toxic trait that needs to be stopped immediately. It is good to be helpful and considerate of others but not in the place of your well-being.

5. ​Overly responsible for others’ feelings

Going out of your way to prevent upsetting or hurting others, even when it means not considering your feelings and preferences. While it is incredibly healthy to care for and make sure of other people, it can be severely harmful and damaging when it demands sacrificing your needs and boundaries. Always make sure to keep yourself first, and then think of others.