
How ADHD can affect one’s relationships



Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder that affects a person’s behavior and personality.
People who suffer from ADHD have a low attention span, cannot be organized, get distracted very easily, are very talkative, and have a habit of forgetting things.

They also have impulsive personalities and are very emotional and rigid in nature.

According to WebMD, ADHD can create conflicts and troubles in a person’s life. Let’s find out the top five reasons how ADHD affects can affect your relationships.

1. Hyperfocus

People who suffer from ADHD can make you feel like you are the only person who matters to them; they will give you all the attention and care, and they will treat you wonderfully at the start of the relationship. However, soon they may get distracted by work or some other task, and you may feel ignored by their actions. It’s like falling from a swing; this behaviour can create doubts and make you feel neglected.

2. Emotional outburst

People who suffer from ADHD are very sensitive; it’s like walking on eggshells: one minute they will be happy and chirpy, and the next minute they will become emotional or annoyed. Your partner may get very angry or frustrated quickly; they tend to have emotional outbursts, which may be difficult for you to understand and manage.
3. Blame game

The blame game is one of the old tricks of a person who suffers from ADHD. Your partner may blame everything on you even if it’s not your fault; they won’t take the blame and will hold you responsible for the situation and actions.

4. Forgetful nature

People who suffer from ADHD have a forgetful nature; they usually forget things, dates, and incidents, and they might even forget the last conversation you had. This can create conflicts in relationships; remembering dates, plans, and conversations is important in a relationship. If they don’t remember, their partner may feel avoided and unimportant.
5. Zone out and ignorance
ADHD is a mental disorder that lowers attention span and easily distracts a person. People who suffer from ADHD zone out of conversations and often get distracted by something else. This can be annoying for their partner and may create conflict in the relationship.

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