How to start the process at home every day
Step 2: Gently massage under your arms to first stimulate the area.
Step 3: Now, return to your chest for a second round of massage for a minute.
Step 4: Gently focus on your collarbones, and massage them gently for a minute or two.
Step 5: Next, massage your neck in an upward motion with full pressure and create a lifting effect.
Step 6: Use your two fingers and massage your ears in a circular motion for a minute.
Step 7: Simply, glide your fingers upwards on your cheeks for a sculpted cheekbone and jawline.
Step 8: Slide your fingers now from the nose and move towards your ears gently.
Step 9: Quickly massage your eyelids and move towards your eyebrows.
Step 10: Now, use your fingers to massage your forehead, and simply ease the tension.
Step 11: For the final step, you need to glide your fingers from the top of your head and return to the chest, thus ending the process.
You can pull your hair back and apply some oil or moisturiser on your face, underarms, and chest to create the right amount of pressure and need to do this process every day for 5 minutes. You will see the result gradually which would also require you to follow a healthy diet, use the right amount of skincare, and stay away from stress, negativity, or tension.