Priddy Ugly admits he can’t rap his songs word for word without practice
South African rapper Priddy Ugly recently shared a surprising revelation: he can’t rap his own songs perfectly without practice.
The confession came after a user on X (formerly Twitter) posed a challenge to online fans: “Your life depends on you rapping a Priddy Ugly song bar for bar. Which song are you choosing?”
Responding to the question, Priddy Ugly admitted he would likely fail the challenge himself.
“Genuinely, I’d fail. There might not be a single verse or song from my catalog that I can rap bar for bar without some practice at least. I only remember some of the songs I perform in my sets, and even then—I struggle,” he tweeted.
The rapper’s candid response sparked a lively conversation among fans, with many sharing their thoughts and experiences in the comments.
Genuinely, I’d fail.
There might not be a single verse or song from my catalog that I can rap bar for bar without some practice atleast.
Only remember some of the songs I perform in my sets, even still – I suffer. https://t.co/UcIpNhYstu— NTJA’KA, MY HOND (@ItsPriddyUgly) January 13, 2025