
9 tips for being highly valuable at work



In the corporate world, the secret to moving up the corporate ladder is to make yourself a valuable asset to your employer.

Aside from having valuable skills and expertise, it’s important to show the behaviors and attitude that make you a key ingredient of the company’s success.

Not sure what these behaviors and attitudes are? Listed below are nine steps to point you in the right direction.

1. Have a positive attitude

Having a positive attitude throughout the workday can not only improve your own approach to tasks and assignments, but it can also have a powerful effect on the mood of your coworkers. Approaching all of your responsibilities constructively or enhancing your work atmosphere through positive actions, such as smiling and friendly greetings, can help managers and colleagues see you as a valuable employee and a powerful asset to the team.

2. Show powerful job dedication

Showing dedication to your job is important because it can demonstrate your willingness to perform consistent quality work. Some ways to show strong job dedication include continually meeting project requirements, asking for help when you need it and proactively seeking more assignments. Staying disciplined and dedicated in your role at the company can help you become an influential member of the team.

3. Develop professional relationships

Developing professional relationships in the workplace can allow you to build a powerful network of occupational contacts and show managers and colleagues that you can be a beneficial team player. By demonstrating your teamwork capabilities, you can inform the company of your communication skills and position yourself for a promotion, such as a managerial position.

4. Constantly improve and develop

Finding opportunities to improve your skills can show your managers and colleagues you’re a valuable employee by demonstrating your commitment to the role and your desire to continue developing in the company. One way to accomplish this is by asking your manager if there are other ways or other departments in the company where you can use your skills to help create products or services.

5. Take initiative

Taking initiative is important because it can show your manager that you’re a proactive and dedicated employee. Preparing yourself for challenges that may arise, requesting feedback on your performance and sharing your helpful ideas with the team are all great ways to show managers you’re willing to do more than what they ask. Taking initiative can also help improve your problem-solving capabilities by trying to figure out creative solutions to challenges or issues before informing your manager about them.

6. Stay motivated

Staying motivated to complete assignments and improve your company expertise are some great ways to establish yourself as a valuable employee. Showing your manager and colleagues that you’re consistently willing to work hard and develop your occupational skills can help boost your energy levels and achieve personal goals. Powerful motivation can also show the company that they can trust you to complete projects on your own without managerial supervision, which can help you earn more influential assignments and position yourself for company advancement.

7. Be honest

Honesty can be a very important part of demonstrating your value as an employee, specifically when you’re honest about an underdeveloped skill or lack of knowledge. It can be helpful for managers to know if there’s a technique that you’re not confident in, so that you can train and improve that specific skill. For example, if you’re unsure about your ability to create goals for a marketing campaign, consider talking with your manager or marketing lead to see if they have any tips or training available for you to learn how to create powerful marketing goals and strategies.

8. Practice active listening

A few ways you can listen actively are by smiling, verbally summarizing what someone has said to you and asking questions when appropriate. Using these techniques can help show that you’re hearing and retaining the information they’re giving you and doing your best to fully understand an assignment’s objectives. Active listening can also help you continue to develop your relationships with colleagues and coworkers. When individuals know you’re listening to them, they might feel more appreciated and understood allowing your professional relationship to grow.

9. Stay organized

Staying organized can help you prepare for important meetings, create a well-structured weekly schedule and create a clean workspace to help boost your productivity. Organizing your thoughts, or creating a folder for meeting notes and ideas can help you communicate those concepts more easily to your managers. Creating a well-structured schedule can benefit you by ensuring that you’re able to attend every client or business meeting and complete all your major projects and assignments before their deadlines.

Staying organized in these ways can help show your manager or boss that you’re a capable and valuable resource for the company.