Exercises you should avoid:
1. Abdominal crunches
As the bar is balanced on the back of the shoulders, it can be a dangerous exercise for lower back, hips, knees even when done with perfection. This exercise should be completely avoided if you have lower back pain.
3. Burpees
Burpees involve high-impact movements and jumping. This is harmful for the lower back pain. Burpees can make lower back pain even worse.
4. High knee jump
Doing high knee jumps can sprain ankle and knees. If you are suffering from lower back pain, you should be extra careful.
5. Spinal twist
Spinal twist with a bar on the shoulders behind the back is harmful for spinal health. Doing this exercise puts pressure on the lower back and should be avoided.
6. Double leg lift
Double leg lift is another exercise that should be avoided by people who suffer from lower back pain. It can create discomfort on the lower back, thus, making your pain worse.
7. Bent over barbell row
Lifting any type of weight is often not recommended for people who suffer from back pain. Avoid this exercise if you have lower backache.
Exercises you should do:
6. Cobra stretch
Lie down on your stomach and slowly push your torso upwards. Your weight should rest on your forearms. Once you reach a comfortable position, hold for five seconds. Return to the original position and repeat the set. For beginners, try five sets and gradually, you may increase the number of sets.
7. Roman chair exercise
This exercise mainly targets the lower back but also benefits gluteal muscles. It relieves back pain and builds strong abs. Place your hands on the head and perform a trunk extension by lowering your body down. Do it as far you can comfortably go. Lift back up by squeezing the glutes and pushing your ankles against the ankle pads. Initially, one should do ten sets, four times. Avoid resting and repeat the sets as per your convenience or what your trainer instructs.
8. Standing toe touch
With legs straight, stretch your arms upwards and bend forward. Go back to the original position, and then put your hands on the waist and lean backwards. This exercise alleviates lower back pain. Initially, do 10 sets four times and after every set, take rest for twenty seconds.
9. Toe touch crossover
It is one of the easiest exercises and is helpful in relieving lower back. Bend down and let your opposite arm touch your leg. When you bend over, have your hand touch the side of your foot and extend your other arm to the ceiling. Go for ten sets four times and take rest for twenty seconds after each set.
Conclusion: In case of any injury or pain, the workout should be done under the supervision of a professional trainer. Even if you do not have back pain, do not forget to wear weight belt while doing weight training